Chatbot For FAQ: Help Your Customers To Solve Their Doubts And Work Better

Huge technical progress has been made in fields such as neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing over the past decade. That’s why digital assistants now live on every device, and companies drool over chatbots like chatbot for FAQ. AI has enormous customer service promise. But can it live up to its potential?

What’re chatbots? A chatbot is a bot type simulating human conversation (a chat). The key function is to automate contact with website users and social media followers. Think of the chatbot as a robot answering round-the-clock questions. Chatbots communicate with humans through (live) chat or SMS. The chat widget indicates a live website chat presence.

Can Chatbot Replace Client Support Agents?

It’s a subject of major discussion – whether chatbots can replace customer service specialists and give users with better productivity the same experience. These days, chatbots are extremely trendy, saving time and supporting availability 24/7. But you can’t forget it’s not intended to solve extraordinary questions and complicated issues. These issues divert your chat to specialists.

Despite multiple advantages, AI chatbots are a perfect substitute for human interactions. Today is the real-time interaction environment, and you need to use bots at one stage or another for a better user experience. Chatbots are a great solution to users’ easy and basic problems, and full-time availability is also available. Human agents are best at handling users’ complicated conversations, particularly when the user is irritated and won’t talk or chat to a computer.

The presence of NLP makes chatbots more efficient in handling everything. Putting one above the other is not feasible, since both have their own positions and advantages.

Chatbots for FAQ

Q&A chatbots serve as FAQ bots that address user queries and questions. Self-service options like these offer consumers quicker solutions in their own time. Indeed, most people tend to address problems alone and only reach out to help networks when they have no other alternative. Reports show that most consumers prefer self-service options such as knowledge base, FAQs, tutorial videos, and live chat/bots.

The Q&A chatbot process starts with a smooth experience. The best chatbot for FAQ cannot only help to increase customer loyalty by answering customer questions but also to convert leads. You can achieve this quickly, cost-effectively without any coding because of the opportunity by the Xenioo no-code platform.

So, we start the first step by programming our Q&A chatbot to function as a person.

Step 1: Humanizing Chatbots

Now, most people think self-learning chatbots are an AI marvel and are totally autonomous, but that’s not the case. Modern AI is rudimentary. Machine learning and deep learning are misinterpreted words and models of pattern recognition.

This means your chatbot won’t be human in the conventional sense, but will still be advanced. Since we’re making a FAQ chatbot, you can almost miss deep learning. Q&A bots are as uncomplicated as possible.

Humanizing your Q&A chatbot needs a nice, interactive response system. To provide perspective, consider writing dialogues for a play.

For example, to start a user conversation, don’t code a message along the lines of “what are you looking for?” Instead, customize and code what you’re likely to say in real life, “How can I support you today?”

Code your user chatbot to ‘speak.’ If you have the basics of humanizing your bot, you can move on to finding results.

Step 2: Use Keywords for Results

Xenioo creates chatbots that show the user relevant answers. You may use chatbot for FAQ or program your chatbot to recognize specific keywords in the user’s inquiry and utilize those terms to respond. This keyword-based FAQ chatbot works similarly to a search engine but is more interactive.

Step 3: Knowledge Base

Since the Q&A creator like Xenioo needs a FAQ dataset for the chatbot to scan, you will need an active knowledge base to pull it off. The next step of the process creates a robust knowledge base for all possible FAQ queries.

You may go through the process by listing keywords that users often ask questions about. Don’t think about starting a FAQ for anything. Focus on major ones. Using your chatbot’s analytics to identify and incorporate long-term subject FAQs.

A FAQ dataset for chatbots’ benefit is that users who don’t want to connect with chatbots have another way to clear their questions and find answers to their queries.

Step 4: Connect and Start Testing

Connect your collaborative chatbot to knowledge-based keywords and your FAQ bot is almost ready. Once you’ve completed your concept, it’s time to test it. Testing a chatbot is always strenuous. You must make sure it works in almost every situation and for almost every user answer.

For instance, if the keyword is ‘iPhone,’ and you have three to four FAQs with that term, ask the user which of the FAQs they want to see.

Step 5: Go Live

If your Chatbot is checked, it’s time to live. Remember to provide customer reviews. You will boost your chatbot with customer feedback.

Three Best Use Cases:

Virtually Assist Customers 24/7

The chatbot’s beauty totally depends on how full-resource it gives customers on time. Either it takes less time to act as a rapid responder or neglects to fulfill its duties. This super tech AI is more efficient than taking no rest and working around the clock. This user-friendly FAQ chatbot puts its effort into listening to customers when they enter your site and speak to customer needs. Customer interaction opportunities aren’t restricted here.

Lead Generation 

Acquiring customers is the most daunting business challenge. And when you have an online shop, it’s hard to communicate with people. You’re not physically involved with your prospect. Fortunately, this new age almost reduced this online business barrier.

That’s why so many people move in this direction. But they must establish relationships with their prospects to become potential customers without physical contact. How’s the question? The use of chatbots for FAQ is much better than physical encounters.

For example, a visitor visits your online clothing store website, sees your product then clicks on his/her mind for several questions. What things do you use? How do I make payments? Are you offering discounts?

Lubricate Your Sales

What’s your company wanting? Potential customers? Sales? Income? Yes, obviously. The online clothing store serves as a true product guide and you can only put a guide on your blog. This guide should be a hi-tech chatbot, and no one can beat these bots in sales. FAQ chatbot serves as a sales lubricant that works to improve your sales.

As an online retailer, the motive should be to increase revenue and be where your value meets consumer compatibility.

How to build a complete Q&A chatbot?

Thanks to Xenioo built-in NLP and Database features you’ll see how it is possible to realize a powerful and smart Q&A chatbot without writing a single line of code. Enjoy the full article here.

Chatbot for FAQ: Conclusion

Your customer support service needs a FAQ chatbot if you want to stay ahead of rivals, provide customers with a high-quality customer experience, and keep them engaged. With a variety of use cases, you can build a chatbot to meet the needs of any company. It is for this purpose that many companies employ Xenioo to provide chatbot development services in order to build sophisticated FAQ chatbot platforms.

Join the chatbot assistant experience under your organization with Xenioo. Allow us to guide you through and give your organization the best customer service it can provide. Connect with us at

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