website chatbot

8 Awesome Custom Styles For Your WebSite Chatbot

A Website Chatbot has now become a staple of each and every modern home page. From serious corporate web pages to more stylish and graphical personal or small business pages, the small icon at the bottom right (or left!) has become a given. Whether you prefer a more direct, operator-to-person chat, whether you choose a more automated approach, doing a web page today means basically having a chat area somewhere. Today designers struggle with their generic chat platform basic colors …

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chatbot performance

Chatbot Performance, why is important to measure to improve your results

You have spent countless hours designing and testing your perfect chatbot. Each flow is finely tuned to help your users find their answers. Each question funnel is carefully crafted for maximum results of chatbot performance. It is ready. You publish your chatbot and finally, your job is complete. Right? Wrong. After you finally publish your chatbot and it’s out there in the wild interacting with your users, that’s when the real work starts. Measuring exactly how well your questions are …

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voice chatbots

ultimate guide to voice chatbots: why your business needs one

Any business owner who had the resources to serve every single customer with a highly trained human agent would do exactly that. Who doesn’t like personal customer service from an attentive, informed customer service agent, or maybe a skilled voice chatbots? The reality is different: cost and competitive pressures mean that most companies can’t afford to employ armies of customer service agents. Economic imperatives imply the use of effective tools such as chatbots. But customers can get frustrated entering text …

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Xenioo Forms

chatbot Data collection with Xenioo forms: 8 awesome Use cases

The latest Xenioo major upgrade brings a brand new feature that will change the way you approach chatbot data collection: Xenioo Forms. Here at Xenioo we firmly believe in conversational and standard flow patterns, but we also realized that not everything can be collected by a (long) list of questions as some information are still quicker and more intuitive for the user when presented in a standard form layout. But how can we marry conversations and forms? Xenioo Forms is …

Read Morechatbot Data collection with Xenioo forms: 8 awesome Use cases